9 Popular Indonesian Cigarettes Brands

When discussing Indonesia’s favorite pastime, it’s impossible to avoid discussing the wide range of cigarettes provided in this large archipelago. Additionally, it’s even more difficult to not discuss the famous Kretek cigarette products that Indonesians make and often smoke. Granted that not all can be considered strictly Kretek, many of Indonesian cigarette products enjoy a considerable amount of consumers. No wonder that Indonesia ranks fifth in the world in terms of its tobacco market and produces more than 165 billion cigarettes back in 2008.

So, for those who are curious, here are some of the best cigarette brands that you can smoke while in Indonesia.

1. Djarum

djarum indonesian cigarette

Humbly started in Central Java, this brainchild of Oei Wie Gwan, the Chinese-Indonesian, is now one of the largest national cigarette manufacturers. After Oei Wie Gwan was succeeded by his two sons, the business became even more profitable and more diversified. They also distribute their products internationally even to the shores of the United States through their Djarum cigarette line. Now their products are among the ones that you can usually see get to the fingertips of Indonesian smokers.

Djarum cigarettes typically have a fermented taste at first, but will not give too sweet of a taste for smokers. So for the Djarum cigarettes, the sweetness is just hinted without too much taste given. Some smokers might get a bit nauseated because of this.

Products: Djarum Super, Djarum Coklat, Djarum Black, Djarum 76, Djarum Super Mild, and many more

Parent company: PT Djarum

Read also: Pod Electric Cigarettes in Indonesia

2. Sampoerna

sampoerna indonesian cigarette

One of the legendary cigarettes that have been at the fingertips of many Indonesian smokers for over half a century. The signature of Sampoerna cigarette is that smokers will enjoy a taste of licorice that will still taste natural generally. The spices used in making the product will also be quite savory in the smoker’s experience. It is once famous for its advertising with the slogan ‘a fun friend’ (Teman yang asik) which expresses the social function of cigarettes in Indonesian society. 

One popular Sampoerna product that exhibits the social character of Indonesian cigarettes is Sampoerna Kretek, or popularly known as Sampoerna Hijau. One viewer described it as ‘comfortable to smoke’ while drinking black coffee or talking. That is perhaps why it is popular among the elder society.

Products: Sampoerna Kretek, Sampoerna Pas, Sampoerna Classics, Sampoerna Tegar, and many more

Parent company: PT HM Sampoerna Tbk

Read also : Top 8 E-Cigarettes Shops in Jakarta

3. Dji Sam Soe

dji sam soe cigarette
Dji Sam Soe

Another product that comes out of PT HM Sampoerna Tbk’s cigarette industry geniuses, it is also one among the legendaries. One of the signature tastes found in Dji Sam Soe cigarettes is its delicate sweetness that is not too strong. This distinct taste is thanks to Dji Sam Soe’s pick for its ingredient which is an Indonesian local Madurese Tobacco. This type of tobacco is also responsible for the aroma that Dji Sam Soe cigarette produces. Its products also come with licorice taste that will surely make smoking it a lot more pleasant and distinctly sweet. It also acts as a type of sweetener so that smokers don’t feel too much urge to cough when inhaling it for the first time.

Products: Dji Sam Soe, Dji Sam Soe Gold, Dji Sam Soe Super Premium

Parent company: PT HM Sampoerna Tbk

4. Gudang Garam

gudang garam cigarette
Gudang Garam

Another one among the greats, Gudang Garam is famous for its logo on literally interpreting its name ‘salt storehouse’. The Indonesian cigarette is usually known for its warming feeling that comes from the quality clove that Gudang Garam cigarettes use. This is all thanks to the expertise of Gudang Garam in making use of spices in its various cigarettes’ processing. Gudang Garam is also popular for its savory taste that is distinctive of its style of cigarette crafting in Indonesia. The flavors and the trip that it brings to the smoker are also its main selling points. All these traits work to realize the cigarette’s character of being fragrant, tasty, and delicious.

Products: Gudang Garam International, Gudang Garam Merah, Gudang Garam Djaja, Gudang Garam Signature

Parent company: PT Gudang Garam Tbk

5. LA


Besides their signature Djarum cigarette, PT Djarum also produces the LA cigarette line to cater to customers with different tastes. LA cigarettes are quite light and have Low Tar & Low Nicotine or LTLN, different from the usual Djarum products. These LA cigarettes are known for their tastelessness before being burned but will usually become fruity the more you smoke. Because of their similar origin, many people smoking LA will recognize some traits that are also present in Djarum cigarettes. The common similar traits that smokers often find in smoking LA cigarettes is their ‘mildness’ that Djarum cigarettes usually have. It also has a more modern look when compared to the many ‘traditional’ Indonesian cigarette packaging style.

Products: LA Bold, LA Menthol, LA Filtered, LA Lights

Parent company: PT Djarum

6. Surya

Gudang garam

Because of the similarity in manufacturer, Surya’s Indonesian cigarette usually have the same feel and taste like Gudang Garam’s cigarette line. For that reason, Gudang Garam’s traits such as being savory can still be found in a cigarette from Surya’s packaging. From the same Gudang Garam recipe, it gives Surya cigarettes the same pleasant aroma coming from its local ingredients. Therefore, when you pick any cigarette with Gudang Garam’s bland, you will get a taste of Indonesia’s cigarette expertise. Many of Surya’s products are especially praised when rolling out (pun intended) their full flavor cigarettes, so you might start there.

Products: Surya Professional Mild, Surya Exclusive, Surya Professional Filter

Parent company: PT Gudang Garam Tbk

7. Halim

Halim is a legendary Indonesian cigarette product that is often mistaken for a product from Gudang Garam. These cigarettes are produced by a subsidiary of Gudang Garam, so they are still related. This is one of the cheap cigarettes that can be found in the market where this white cigarette has a shape similar to SKT. This cigarette is also the oldest in Indonesia, although it does not have as many fans as other brands. Many people choose this Indonesian cigarette because it has a unique and strong taste coupled with a low price.

Product : Red Halim, Brown Halim

Parent Company : PT Halim Wonowidjojo, Kediri

8. Bentoel Group

This is the second-largest cigarette company in Indonesia after HM Sampoerna. The company produces various types of cigarettes such as hand-rolled kretek cigarettes, regular machine-made kretek cigarettes made with machines such as the Dunhill Filter, and mild machine-made kretek cigarettes which have a lower tar content than regular machine-made kretek cigarettes, and machine white cigarettes which are made from machine.

Product: Dunhill, Lucky Strike

Parent Company : PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk

9. Japan Tobacco

Japan Tobacco is a Japanese tobacco company that has its head office in Tokyo. The company’s various products have spread across Indonesia, one of which is Camel, which is a well-known cigarette product among young people. This company was founded in 1898 and has produced various kinds of cigarettes. Several variations of the types of cigarettes from this company are hand kretek cigarettes (SKT), machine kretek mild cigarettes (SKM LTLN), machine kretek cigarettes (SKM), and machine white cigarettes (SPM). In addition, this company also has smokeless cigarette brands that are prepared to become smokeless e-cigarettes such as Logic and Ploom.

Products: Camel, Apache, Extreme Mild, Joss, Absolute Mild, Minna

Parent Company: Japan Tobacco Inc.

There you go, six of the most popular cigarette brands there are in Indonesia’s cigarette market. While Indonesia still sells internationally sold cigarettes such as Marlboro, Lucky Strike, or Dunhill, this archipelago’s cigarettes are also part of its long-standing culture. You’ll also get to know the famous Kretek cigarettes that are being local favorites in Indonesian society. Oh, and you can get them at your modest and nearest warung, places that you’ll often come by living in Indonesia. 

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