Top 5 Daycares in Bekasi

If you are a working mom with a toddler in care in Bekasi, you might find it hard to balance between working and being a mom who needs full concentration. There might be days where it is okay for you to bring your kid to the office, but you can’t possibly do that every day, right? Not only it will distract you, it will distract your colleagues as well. You might want to consider the thought of leaving your kid in daycare. 

Leaving your kid on daycare while you are at work is one of the best choices if you have no one to take care of your kid at home because they will be on guard every second of the day while you are away. Not only they will be guarded every second, but your kid will also have new friends as well, as your kid won’t be the only kid at the daycare. Leaving your kid on daycare while you are at work doesn’t seem so bad, right? If you live at Bekasi, here we have listed some of the best daycares in Bekasi that you might want to check out.  

1. Pepito Daycare

children and teachers at pepito daycare
Pepito Daycare

Pepito Daycare has two places throughout Bekasi, which are at Cikunir and Kalimalang. All of the places are located in an easy access area, which will ease your mobility to work. Pepito Daycare is a daycare that will prioritize your kid’s comfort and safety. This daycare has a concept where they want to make your kid feel just like at home, that is why they are located on a housing complex, where there is no noise, which will make your kid feel comfortable.

They have a pretty complete facility as a daycare. There is a bed for each kid, AC on every room, baby sitter that is qualified and experienced, online CCTV where you can easily monitor your kid while on daycare, activities that will stimulate their motoric skills, book corner, healthy catering, daily report about your kid, growth measurement, and education program which focuses on kid’s growth and social ethic. 


  • Taman Permata Blok A13/9, Cikunir, Jatikramat, Bekasi 
  • Kompleks Global Prestasi School, Jl. Noer Ali 10B, Kota Bekasi 

Phone Number: +6281 8262607 (Whatsapp) 


Social Media: @pepitodaycare on Instagram 

Operating Hours: 07.00 – 18.00 WIB (Monday – Sunday) 

2. Green Kids Daycare

children playing at green kids daycare
Green Kids Daycare

Green Kids Daycare is located at Grand Prima Bintara, Bekasi. This daycare can be your best choice when it comes to putting your kid at daycare. Every morning, your kid will be invited to a sunbath under the morning sun. There are a lot of activities as well, such as coloring or dancing alongside a song. Furthermore, there is a free session of consultation with a nutritionist, kid growth expert, and a psychologist. As for their facilities, they have bedrooms equipped with AC and decorated with kid’s stuff. There is even a baby crib, a corner full of toys and books, and they also provide 3 times a meal with snacks and fruits.

Address: Grand Prima Binata, Blok D IV No. 1, Kel. Bintara, Kec. Bekasi Barat, Bekasi 17134

Phone Number: +6221 88853842 and +6285 28472237


Social Media: @GreenKidsID at Twitter

Operating Hours: 06.30 – 17.15 WIB (Monday – Sunday) 

3. Jasmine Day Care

parents and children of jasmine day care
Jasmine Day Care

Jasmine Day Care is a daycare that is located far from the main street, therefore it has a quiet and calm nuance where the kids are free to play around. This daycare is equipped with a pretty spacious field which is perfect for kids to play in. Aside from a spacious playing field, there are also many toys that are very educational, books to read, movies to watch, and of course as a parent you will get their daily report. If you are putting your baby in a daycare, then don’t worry, they have a place to store breast milk and they have baby massage services and swimming stimulations. 

Address: Jl. Kemuning I No. 489 – 186, Jatimulya, Tambun Selatan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510

Phone Number: +6281 61194152

Operating Hours: 06.00 – 18.00 WIB (Monday – Saturday) 

4. Az – Zahra Daycare

play area of az-zahra daycare
Az – Zahra Daycare

Az-Zahra Daycare is your best bet if you want to leave your kid on a daycare with Islamic value. At Az – Zahra Daycare, your kid will be taught how to recite daily du’a and how to pray 5 times a day. As a daycare, it is their vision to develop characters and mental through Islamic education that requires all the five senses, to embed Islamic value from early education, and to grow the leadership mental out of kid’s characters, and of course, all of the education will be adjusted with their age, so that it will have a maximum function. 

Their curriculum will include character building, learning by doing, storytelling, reciting daily du’a, introduction to akhlak, habituation of praying 5 times a day, and introduction to alphabets and numbers. As for their facilities, they are located in a strategic location, a homey and clean environment, bedroom for kids, bathroom, play area, outdoor study area, indoor study area, healthy catering, AC-equipped rooms, daily report to the parents, physic growth and teeth growth by a pediatrician, qualified and experienced babysitter, CCTV, breast milk storage, locker for each kid, reading area, mini library, computer lab, and internet. 

Address: Ruko Prima Harapan Regency, Blok C No. 7, Bekasi Utara

Phone Number: +6221 88863862 and +6281 317856837


Operating Hours: 06.00 – 17.30 (Monday – Sunday) 

Read also : Best Child Therapist in Jakarta

5. Hamasah Daycare

kids and teachers of Hamasah Daycare
Hamasah Daycare

Hamasah Daycare is one of the best daycare in Bekasi that offers various facilities for the kids. Hamasah Daycare also offers a half-day daycare as well as full-day daycare at an affordable price. If you wish to know more about Hamasah Daycare, you can visit the place or contact the numbers below. 

The services that they offer for your child vary from religious Islamic teachings, music and art classes, to computer and science classes. They have an indoor and outdoor playground and class rooms with AC. Of course, your child will be given a meal while they spend their time here!


  • Duta Harapan. Blok BA3 No. 31, Bekasi Utara
  • Taman Harapan Baru, Blok P3 No. 9, Medan Satria
  • Alamanda Regency, Blok K1 No. 16A, Tambun Utara

Phone Number: +6287 879248386

So, there you have it! Some of the best daycares in Bekasi to take care of your kid(s). It’s very helpful if you happen to be a mom and your concentrations are divided into taking care of kids and working. So, if you happen to live near Bekasi, don’t bother to give it a try for your childrena and choose what’s best for them!

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