Popping Boba Recipes: How to Make Them at Home

Nowadays, there are more and more various boba creations. For boba lovers, you must have known that there are several kinds of boba. Starting from clear boba, mini boba, black boba, flavored boba, to popping boba. Of the various variants, which one have you tried? Or which one is your favorite?

Well, this time we will discuss one of the most popular boba variants, namely popping boba. Boba popping is a type of boba that can explode in the mouth when bitten and contains different liquids in it. Usually it is the sweet taste of fruit. This boba popping is healthy because it contains fruit juice or syrup.

People also read: Sweet Tooth Heaven: Top 10 Dessert Place in Jakarta

Before we give some recommended recipes for creating boba popping, we will discuss how to make boba popping first. Here’s how:

How to Make Boba Popping

To make boba popping, you have to use one of the molecular gastronomy techniques, namely spherification.


  • 1 liter distilled water (Amidis brand)
  • 5gr sodium alginate (YG food grade)
  • 150ml of juice
  • 50ml of water
  • 6gr calcium lactate (food grade)
  • Kiwi, dragon, or syrup (can be according to taste)


  1. Add distilled water to the blender and add sodium alginate while in the blender
  2. Strain the alginate solution and let it sit overnight
  3. Peel and chop dragon fruit and kiwi and put in a different juice solution, add sugar to taste and blend
  4. Strain the dragon and kiwi juice solution in different places
  5. Mix water and calcium lactate solution, stir until there are no lumps and thicken then mix into fruit juice
  6. Store the solution in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that the solution thickens completely
  7. After 2 hours, put the solution into a round mold and store in the freezer until frozen
  8. Take out the sodium alginate solution and prepare 2 cups of clean water to rinse off the rinse
  9. Add the popping boba to the alginate solution and let it sit for 5 minutes
  10. Rinse the existing boba twice in a bowl of clean water and transfer it to a clean container then the popping boba is ready to serve

So, what do you think? The recipe for making boba with the above types is very easy. The steps are quite a lot, but they’re actually really simple and can be done in no time.

If the popping bob is ready, it is impossible to eat only the popping bob. You can create popping boba to mix it with other dessert menus to make it even more delicious. Here we give a simple recipe for creating boba popping:

1. With Waffles

poppping boba with waffles
Source: Bossen

The first creation you can make is waffles with a boba popping mixture. We will discuss one simple recipe that you can make at home. You even only need to mix it up because it’s so easy.


  • The waffle is made Vanilla ice cream, manga fruit
  • Manga flavored popping boba


  1. Arrange the finished waffles on an empty plate
  2. Place the vanilla ice cream on top of the waffles, so that the ice cream melts
  3. Cut the manga into cubes and arrange them randomly around the ice cream
  4. Sprinkle the boba again on top and the waffle popping boba is ready to serve

2. With Mango Smoothies

Mango smoothies with popping boba
Sumber: mochifoods

The next creation is mango juice or mango smoothies with boba popping. All you need are simple ingredients to make mango juice at home, and you’re ready to eat mango smoothies with boba exploding in your mouth.


  • 1 sweet fragrant manga
  • 1 glass of ice cubes
  • 1 glass of cold water
  • 1 piece of yakult / plain yogurt
  • Boba popping


  1. Chop the mangoes and blend them with ice cubes, cold water, and yakult or yogurt
  2. Enter the blended mango into the glass
  3. Add ice cubes to make it cooler and fresher
  4. Sprinkle the boba popping on top for an added topping

3. Cheesecake

cheesecake with popping boba
Source: sethlui

You can make the next boba popping creation as a topping from the cheesecake. Oh yeah, take it easy, this cheesecake recipe is very simple without an oven so you can try it right away at home. Here’s a simple recipe:


  • Cream cheese
  • 200ml of liquid white milk
  • 3 tablespoons of melted margarine
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon gelatin powder
  • 8 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 packet of Regal biscuits


  1. Crush the biscuits regal, mix with melted margarine and blend. Put it in the pan and press it until it is solid and put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  2. Enter the cream cheese, sugar, white milk, gelatin powder, and lemon juice in the pan. Bring to a boil over medium heat. If it is boiling, immediately remove from heat and let stand until warm.
  3. After the dough becomes warm, mix it in the pan containing regal and chill in the refrigerator for 5 hours
  4. After 5 hours, sprinkle the bob on top according to your taste and the dish is ready to serve.

4. With Milk

Milk with popping boba
Source: Pinterest

Subsequent creations are creations that are very easy but very tantalizing tablets. Can you imagine when you drink milk that tastes sweet and there is a sweet and sour taste from the exploding sensation of boba and fresh kiwi fruit?


  • 1 pack of powdered milk
  • Hot and cold water
  • Ice cubes as needed
  • Kiwi fruit (can be replaced with others)
  • Boba popping


  1. Pour powdered milk into a glass, add a little hot water to evenly distribute it then stir until blended
  2. If it’s flat, add cold water and stir again until blended
  3. Add ice cubes to make the milk cooler and fresher
  4. Dice the kiwi fruit and place it on the milk
  5. Sprinkle the boba popping according to taste and the milk is ready to serve

5. With Ice Cream

Source: Pinterest

This last creation is very simple. Who loves ice cream so much? There must be a lot, that’s why we also recommend making ice cream with boba toppings.


  • Ice cream
  • Boba popping


  1. Take 1 or 2 scope of ice cream and put it in the container
  2. Sprinkle the boba on top and the ice cream is ready to serve

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So, those are some boba popping creations that you can combine with several foods such as dessert. Combining it with dessert will make dessert even more interesting because there will be a sweet and sour sensation in your mouth mixed with various sweet flavors of your dessert. Which creation do you like the most? Or do you have any other recommendations?

Do you guys like to go out for sweets? Maybe you are suitable to find a place to live close to sweet food sellers, such as in the Sudirman area. Flokq has several places that you can consider in the Sudirman area.

Want to know more? Contact the Flokq team at +62 813-1490-5690 or click the button below!


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