How To Survive Jakarta’s Rainy Season

Jakarta is notorious for only having two seasons: dry and rainy. During the dry season, the sun pierces through the walls of every house and building across the city. ACs are cranked down to the lowest possible setting and just standing out in the sun for 5 minutes could potentially lead a dehydrated man to a heat stroke. The rainy season, on the other hand, can be bothersome for many Jakartans. One main reason is that Jakarta is prone to heavy flooding every time the rainy season comes around. This means city workers who rely on high mobility could be delayed due to the weather. Besides that, the rainy season brings out some nasty colds and flu. We care about your well-being and therefore here are several tips for you to survive Jakarta’s rainy season!

Prepare your umbrella

Prepare your umbrella
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To prevent yourself from getting soaking wet when going out, you have to prepare for an umbrella. Just like the famous Indonesian saying, “Sedia payung sebelum hujan” (translate: “prepare an umbrella even before it rains”), better be safe than sorry. Always have your umbrella ready in your purse or bag, in case it rains. Even if during the afternoon the sun is blazing hot, there’s a pretty high chance it’s going to rain not long after. You can also go for a raincoat and a pair of waterproof boots or shoe cover for more thorough protection. 

Consume vitamins daily

Take some multivitamins to keep your immune system in check
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During the transition before the rainy season, the body is more vulnerable to disease. Some diseases also become more frequent due to conditions in the rainy season that supports the growth of viruses and bacteria. High humidity in the rainy season makes the spread of germs through the air, such as influenza viruses, easier. Intermediary animal diseases, such as mosquitoes, also become easier to breed, which is the source of common Dengue Fever. That’s why we need to strengthen our body health defense, by eating enough vitamins daily. Consume vitamin D as we may lack sunshine exposure, and Vitamin C as the best antioxidant source to boost our immune system. 

Eat healthily

Eat lots of veggies
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It is very important to meet the nutritional needs so that the body stays healthy and is not susceptible to disease when it rains. Eat colorful fruits that are rich in antioxidants to increase endurance. Do not forget to consume complete nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support your immune system. Consume more warm food and beverages to keep your body heat amidst the cold weather.

Get enough rest

Get enough sleep to boost your immune system during this rainy season
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Although there is a lot of work to be done, you should not neglect time to rest. Why? Because having enough rest is the most important key to keeping our bodies healthy. A lot of times we may not feel tired when getting too busy at work, but still, our body needs to rest even when we think that we are fit enough to skim on sleep. Avoid staying up late at night, when you feel sleepy and tired you should hurry yourself to rest. Make sure the body gets enough sleep, about 6-8 hours per day. Remember not to overdo it because if we sleep excessively, it will give reversed effect and make the body become weak and stiffen the muscles.

Routinely exercise

Exercise to boost your immune system
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During the rainy season, you have to keep maintaining a healthy lifestyle and routinely exercise. This way, your body will always be fit and strong to fight off any diseases coming. Have a little workout session inside the house would be enough and perfect during rainy days, or you can go to the gym after work and sweat your stress away. Remember, the fitter we are the harder for diseases to attack our immune system! 

Keep your home clean

Keep the germs away
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Cleanliness is the key to a healthy environment, and vice versa during the rainy season. Always keep your house tidy and clean, free of dust, and piling-up trash. Furthermore, to protect the body from colds and coughs, wash your hands thoroughly with soap after every activity, and most importantly before you eat, to prevent any germs and viruses entering your body. You can also get weekly deep-cleaning services such as GoClean or Luxhome to make sure your house is safe from dust, germs, and other unwanted guests that might invade your well-being!

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