10 Best Health Apps in Indonesia to Boost Your Health and Prepare for Pandemic Prevention

Health apps have become one proof of technological progress in Indonesia. The users of health applications have increased significantly along with the increasing public awareness in maintaining health. Now there is a wide selection of health applications in Indonesia that offer various features and services.

Here we summarize a guide on health apps and recommendations for the best health applications in Indonesia.

What is a Health App?

The health application is an application-based program that offers health-related services and services. In Indonesia, one of the easy-to-find health applications is the telemedicine app, which is long-distance health services and uses communication. Moreover, with the help of trusted doctors and experts in their fields, the health application provides features for consultation, diagnosis, treatment and treatment. You can also use this application to buy drugs according to a doctor’s prescription.

Health Application during Covid-19 Pandemic

Health applications are very influential, especially in the current situation, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. You can use a health application for consultation, to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus. Health applications in Indonesia are now equipped with a self-examination feature for the symptoms of the Covid-19 virus. In addition, several health applications provide services for doctors who wish to register as Covid-19 volunteers.

Benefits of Health Apps

In addition to providing health-related services, health applications have other benefits such as: health education facilities , consultation facilities to determine the initial diagnosis , and services that support the continuation of care, such as checking the patient’s condition, reminding them to take medication, and scheduling treatments.

4 Tips for Choosing Health Apps

Among them are the many choices of health applications, it is important for you to know the best application and have a trusted doctor’s service. Here are some tips for you in choosing a health application:

1. Check Doctor’s Credibility

Before the consultation, you need to check the doctor’s track record on a health application. You can see if the doctor has a Health Workforce Registration Certificate (STR) provided by the government and knows the doctor’s competence through the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) website.

2. Check Reviews                          

You need to do an in-depth check regarding doctor services on a health application. In addition, be sure to pay attention to the drug services being sold and drug delivery services in the health application.

3. Hospital Reputation

The trusted health app has a directory of hospitals. You need to check that the hospital provides complete information, along with facilities and rates. This feature is useful for in-person consultations, and when you need treatment at the nearest hospital.

4. Articles on Health

Trusted health applications generally include articles on health topics. You need to make sure the article is written by competent people. If you want in-depth information, use the live chat feature to talk directly with doctors about health.

10 Recommended Health Apps in Indonesia

The health application in Indonesia is the right choice for you to get health-related services easily and quickly. In times of pandemics like now, health applications are also very reliable. For those of you who are getting interested in using health applications, here are the recommendations for the 10 best health applications in Indonesia.

1. Halodoc

Halodoc health apps indonesia
Source: indoindians.com

Halodoc, which provides health services, is supported by ApotekAntar as a drug delivery service from official pharmacies and laboratories to order official laboratory tests. It provides doctors with various specialties. Halodoc doctor services are guaranteed because they are equipped with a Registration Certificate and Practice License.

This app gives users the freedom to choose doctors according to their needs, and choose a means of communication, including voice features, video calls, and chat rooms. The Halodoc application displays available doctor information, complete with names and specializations, as well as consultation rates that can be paid via ATM or credit card.

In handling Covid-19, Halodoc also collaborated with Gojek and collaborated with the Indonesian Ministry of Health for early screening of the new corona virus. Users can carry out self-examination of Covid-19 risk and online consultation with licensed doctors at Halodoc.

2. Alodokter

Alodokter health apps indonesia
Source: alodokter.com

Alodokter provides general practitioner and specialist doctor services, the Ask a Doctor column as a place for you to ask or listen to other people’s questions. For user privacy, there are private chat rooms with doctors. So answers are given by doctors in accordance with their fields and are equipped with IDI (Indonesian Doctors’ Association) membership numbers.

Other features in AloDokter are the Disease List and Drug List menus, as well as health articles that discuss tips, hoaxes in the world of health, women’s health, and many others. The articles are written by experienced doctors who can be trusted.

Regarding the handling of Covid-19, Alodokter has a chatbot service to interact and answer questions about Covid-19. Also, this digital service is able to carry out independent testing of the risk of contracting the corona virus, to support the IEC (Communication, Information and Education) Program of the Ministry of Health.

3. Grab Health powered by Good Doctor

grab health

Good Doctor in collaboration with Grab Indonesia presents a health application that has consultation services, questions and answers, buy medicines and health products from official pharmacies, make medical appointments and make appointments for visits to selected hospitals and clinics.

Also, this health app has collaborated with the Indonesian Ministry of Health in an effort to prevent Covid-19, by presenting a special service for initial screening or Covid-19 screening, carried out by online consultation between users and a licensed doctor from Good Doctor. Through this service, doctors will recommend steps to handle the virus according to the protocol of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

4. KlikDokter

klikdokter health apps indonesia
Source: facebook.com

KlikDokter is one of the health apps in Indonesia that provides information and services related to online consultation, medicines, and other health features. Moreover, this app has a Disease Index feature that allows you to search for in-depth information related to diseases, diagnosis, and symptoms, to treatment.

Regarding the government’s efforts to tackle Covid-19, KlikDokter is one of the health applications officially appointed by the government to provide education and precise information about Covid-19. In addition, users can also check the Covid-19 risk for free and 24 hours.

5. Medi-call

Source: medi-call.id

Medi-call offers health services such as doctors, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists who can come to the house through the application. Moreover, this application also has infusion therapy services, vaccines, and vitamins. This service is available at various rates.

You can enjoy services from Medi-call with rates ranging from IDR 150,000 to IDR 300,000 depending on the type of treatment you need. Also, these rates do not include the cost of drugs, laboratories and several other supporting matters.

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6. SehatQ

sehatq health apps indonesia
Source: infotangerang.net

The SehatQ health application allows you to view the doctor’s details before consulting, see health facilities and various medicines available. The health services offered by SehatQ are available in a variety of ways, from beauty clinics, dental clinics, laboratories, other health clinics to well-known hospitals. Moreover, this application also offers vitamin packages, the use of circumcision, and health promotion.

SehatQ has also collaborated with the Ministry of Health to present the Covid-19 risk check feature as a self-test through its website at Sehatq.com, which can be accessed for free. Moreover, this feature was developed by SehatQ’s team of doctors and implemented according to a protocol from the Ministry of Health.

7. Practo

practo health apps indonesia
Source: practo.com

Practo is here for users to find doctors and book appointments. You can search for a doctor by name, specialty, and even symptoms. Practo provides in-depth information about doctors, such as length of experience, qualifications, affiliations, and specialties, to photos of the clinic concerned. Definitely one of the best health apps in Indonesia!

The Practo application has an appointment booking feature that makes it easy and saves users time. In addition, there is also drug purchase service, medication schedule reminder service and exercise. You can use private chat rooms with doctors who guarantee privacy on Practo for 24 hours at various rates.

8. SehatPedia

Source: fin.co.id

SehatPedia is a health app that offers a consultation feature with a doctor in the form of a live chat or message that you can use to ask about various health problems. Moreover, doctors on the SehatPedia application are licensed doctors from various hospitals in Indonesia and with various specialties.

Other services that you can find on the SehatPedia apps are registration services for health facilities and psychiatric consultation services. Also, SehatPedia offers a LiveFit feature as a means for you to measure calories. Equipped with Health Podcasts and health articles for you to dig deeper into health information.

9. YesDok

yesdok health apps indonesia
Source: yesdok.com

YesDok as a health application offers a variety of useful features for users in matters related to health. Also, having a registered medical partner with the Indonesian Medical Council, YesDok is a means of prevention and education of quality health information.

Services that you can find on the YesDok apps include direct consultation with doctors about various health complaints. Also, to make it easier for users, you can do consultations via telephone, message, to video calls, with rates varying based on the duration of the consultation.

10. ProSehat

prosehat health apps indonesia
Source: prosehat.com

ProSehat has various access options for health services, you can find the Call a Doctor feature, Home Visit to Healthy Promos in this health app. Moreover, you can carry out child immunizations, vaccinations, laboratory checks to physiotherapy. In addition, Consultations and drug purchases are also available in the ProSehat application.

So that’s about it! Make sure to check these great health apps in Indonesia to improve your health and stay safe during the pandemic. Which one is your favorite? Share with us by commenting down below!

Continue to read about Best Health Apps to Stay Fit at Home

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