Start an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle With These 12 Steps!

Climate change, water scarcity and deforestation are some of the topics that are often discussed today around the relationship between humans and nature. Over time, the impact of human negligence in protecting the environment is increasingly visible. Because of that, there was an awareness to start a lifestyle trend that is environmentally friendly. However, at the same time, we can’t change the habits we always do right away. Therefore, we can look for small steps to start an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Let’s start an environmentally friendly lifestyle! Check out the following steps as a first trail for you to start living an environmentally friendly life.

Plastic waste is the key to starting an environmentally friendly lifestyle
source: pixabay

1. Use a Reusable Shopping Bag to Replace a Plastic Bag

This is an effective and arguably stylish way of reducing single-use plastics such as shopping plastic bags. Instead, we can use a tote bag, cotton bag, or backpack for shopping. There are also many choices of styles and materials. We can buy locally made crafts or tote bags from well-known brands. Bags such as tote bags can be found at your favorite online and offline stores with prices starting at Rp 4,500. Very affordable!

If you are already comfortable not using plastic bag when shopping, you can start other habits that can help reduce plastic waste, such as stopping using plastic straws. The issue of plastic is indeed not a strange thing when we talk about things that must be reduced in order to live in an environmentally friendly manner. However, why is this issue so hotly discussed? Plastic is a material that is difficult to break down. This makes plastic waste more durable. It’s possible that you might stumble across plastic from the 1970s by accident.

Plastic waste has been scattered everywhere, mounting and fishing. There is a plastic conglomerate called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that threatens the ecology and livelihoods of fishermen around the Pacific. So with that, let’s start an environmentally friendly lifestyle by reducing the use of plastic as much as possible with small steps such as not using plastic bags when shopping.

eat healthy, to start an environmentally friendly lifestyle
source: pixabay

2. Watch What You Eat

Our parents have always reminded us to finish food and not to waste food. For the author himself, it is the grandmother who always reminds the author not to throw away the rice and not leave a grain of rice on the plate. Well, it is. Simply put, by not wasting food we reduce consumption and personal food waste and reduce the burden on food suppliers.

Apart from not wasting food, reducing rice consumption is a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative. This is because to make rice, some farmers use the method of flooding the fields. Apart from depleting the water supply, this method also produces methane gas issuers.

Apart from potentially damaging the environment, excessive consumption of rice can lead to many complications and diseases in the future. Then what are the sources of carbohydrates that can replace rice? Here are some sources of carbohydrates that can replace rice:

  • Potatoes (but avoid french fries or those that have been prepared with other ingredients)
  • Oats (very appropriate for breakfast)
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Corn

Apart from helping to reduce rice consumption, these foods can also make you live a healthier life with a balanced diet.

In conclusion, changing carbohydrate sources from time to time is highly recommended. This alternative is very interesting and healthy to try! Let’s start a healthy environmentally friendly lifestyle!

buying clothes at thrift stores
source: pixabay

3. Shop for Clothes at a Thrift Store

Who says that starting an environmentally friendly lifestyle can’t be stylish? Shopping at a thrift store is an inexpensive and fun alternative to do. Of course, there is prestige in buying branded goods and there is convenience in buying goods with brands that are quite common in the market. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get high quality or branded items at a thrift store. Plus, thrift store items tend to be sold at a more affordable price.

Why is this important? Because fashion brands release new trends and styles in a fairly short period of time. This causes the desire of consumers to keep buying new goods so as not to fall behind the trend. Plus, Due to consumer desire and the actions of producers who are constantly producing new clothing trends, the fashion industry is becoming one of the largest emitters of CO2 and one of the biggest water users.

In addition, the conditions of workers in their factories are also not guaranteed. It is possible to wear a dress made by a 13-year-old girl from Bangladesh for small pay and long hours. This phenomenon is called fast fashion because fashion industry trends are always changing rapidly. Well, after knowing this. Hopefully, we can be more careful about buying clothes. Don’t let us support ourselves inadvertently.

borrowing goods instead of buying new ones
source: pixabay

4. Borrow Goods From Neighbors Instead of Buying New Ones

This environmentally friendly lifestyle may be difficult. The thought of us borrowing things like furniture to another neighbor is strange and maybe honestly awkward. However, by buying goods instead of borrowing, we increase the number of piles of trash in the future. Plus if you need it only once and the items you buy are disposable. When viewed from the social side, borrowing is also an opening in itself for those of you who want to get to know your neighbors. Come on, start reducing the purchase of new items and use whatever we (or our neighbors) have!

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traffic jam causes air pollution
source: pexels

5. Only Use Your Own Vehicles if Necessary

Maybe this is an example of an evnvironmentally lifestyle that is a little difficult for those just starting out. Private vehicles provide their own comfort in traveling, whether it’s air conditioning on a hot day or a gentle breeze when riding a motorbike.

However, it’s also a good idea to get in the habit of walking or using public transportation when traveling to places that tend to be close. Although it is not the equivalent of stopping motorized vehicles entirely, by walking or using transportation, we can significantly reduce CO2 emissions from motorized vehicles.

Apart from reducing the use of private vehicles, we can also be more calculating in the use of our private vehicles. For example, every morning and evening we go out for different purposes. This can be replaced by doing the two different things in one go using a private vehicle. In other words, adjust our schedule so that we reduce private vehicles. Come on, try it!

Save electricity as an environmentally friendly lifestyle

6. Always Turn Off the Lights When You Don’t Use It

It is not uncommon for someone to forget to turn off the lights or turn off the air conditioner. Sometimes because we forgot or maybe lazy to turn off we let our electronic devices turn on continuously.

Please note that the electronic equipment we use can also produce issuers by itself. From air conditioning that emits CFCs to the use of coal as a source of electricity, it can greatly contribute to the hole in the ozone layer. Although turning off electronics may seem like a light thing, this habit can still help. The following are examples of eco-friendly habits that are appropriate and easy to follow.

using LED lights to start an environmentally lifestyle
source: unsplash

7. Using LED lights Instead of Ordinary Lights

Well, one way to be environmentally friendly by saving electricity is to use LED lights. What are LED lights? LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. The advantage of this lamp is that it has a stronger power than ordinary lamps, even though it uses less electric power. This means that LED bulbs are much less expensive than ordinary bulbs like incandescent bulbs.

Apart from the advantages in saving electricity, this lamp also has one other advantage. Namely, it does not contain substances harmful to humans or the environment. Did you know that mercury is contained in lamps like incandescent lamps? If the lamp breaks, the mercury substance may be inhaled by us. If not, then mercury will carry over to the top and destroy the ozone layer.

AC is the source of CFC
source: unsplash

8. Reducing the Use of Air Conditioner

As noted above, careless use of air conditioning can increase CFC substances which can destroy the ozone layer. In addition to air conditioning, the refrigerator also produces CFC substances from the cooler (freon). Then how do we reduce the use of air conditioning? First, it is clear that we must limit the time we use AC because in addition to not saving electricity, AC can also produce CFCs. as an alternative to conditioning, we can use a fan that is much more economical and much more environmentally friendly. Opening the windows from time to time can also help save electricity costs and provide cool air to your room.

People also read: 7 Ways To Make Your Room Cooler Without Air Conditioner

9. Use the washing machine only when it is absolutely necessary

Maybe because we are busy, using the washing machine is the easiest choice because of how many shirts and pants we have and wear per day. However, we also have to know that the use of a washing machine can be bad for the surrounding environment. This is because when we use the washing machine, we release chemicals from detergents and microplastics into the waterways. Apart from causing water pollution, it can also kill animals with vital roles in marine ecosystems such as sharks and sea otters.

So, let’s start an environmentally friendly lifestyle by reducing the use of washing machines. If you have time and laundry is not too much, it is better to wash and dry yourself. If you really have to, using a laundry service or coin laundry can reduce the total use of the washing machine.

reduce the use of paper to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle
Source: pexels

10. Use Less Paper

Who doesn’t know what paper is made of and why overuse of paper can harm the environment? Compared to other wood products, paper is classified as an item that is often used and thrown away. So with that, let’s protect the environment by reducing paper usage. Especially white paper. We can use paper made from pulp or even increase the use of digital tools for storing and writing. This is the digital age, the era is still using paper.

the use of compost bin to start an environmentally lifestyle
source: unsplash

11. Use Compost Bin

Want to have plants and save the environment at the same time? Let’s use the Compost Bin! Compost Bin can be a solution for homeowners who excrete a lot of organic waste (eg, used food). With the compost bin, our organic waste can be used as compost for our plants. Save and environmentally friendly! However, it is worth remembering that using the Compost Bin can give off an unpleasant odor. So if you live in an apartment, for example, think about it again! Perhaps a good alternative if you want to avoid odors is to use a worm farm to compost your plants. Come on, start recycling our organic waste as an effort to start an environmentally friendly lifestyle!

track your ecological footprint

12. Track Your Ecological Footprint

These environmentally friendly efforts may not have a direct impact on us or on environmental sustainability. However, by calculating your ecological footprint, you can get an idea of whether your lifestyle is an environmentally friendly lifestyle or not.

You can do this using a website called the footprint calculator created by the Global Footprint Network. This application will ask about your consumption and daily habits. Starting from how many times a week you eat meat to what do you get on when you want to go to the office.

Interestingly, after that the site will display statistics and data on things like “how many planets would we need to take resources from if everyone in the world lived like you?” as well as other interesting questions. Getting in the habit of checking out ecological footprints can help us realize how much impact our little habits have on nature.

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These actions are indeed small, but if they are done together and routinely they can bring big changes and have a good impact on the preservation of nature. Come on, start doing these 12 habits now!

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