21 Effective Study Tips That Can Be Implemented

Studying can be fun or boring depending on how you look at it. It is not only for school children but for those of you who are pursuing a career, studying is a mandatory word that should not be forgotten. Therefore, it is an important activity that must be done by everyone. Even so, many complain about an effective way of studying. Therefore, take a look at the 21 effective study tips that can be implemented below.

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1. Use a Different Way of Learning Than Before

How you learn greatly affects how your brain can absorb information. If you previously felt that your way of studying was less effective, try another way of learning that might suit you. For example, if previously you often learned through reading books but the material didn’t seem to enter your brain, you can try replacing it with other ways of learning such as watching videos, listening to podcasts, or practicing hands-on.

2. Don’t Memorize Study Materials

Most of you who have been in school must have memorized lessons very often, especially during tests. This is not very effective because the brain can be overloaded with information at one time but will quickly lose that information because it does not have a strong foundation. Try to understand the subject matter bit by bit and avoid memorizing.

3. Make an Effective Study Plan

One of the effective study tips is to create an effective study plan. This is very useful to see your learning progress and keep the portion of learning not too much or too little. You can prioritize urgent lessons, especially assignments and then move on to more relaxed lessons.

4. Get Enough Rest

Studying is certainly exhausting and requires rest so that your brain can absorb the lessons properly. You can manage your study time by giving enough rest breaks so you are not too tired or too relaxed in studying. For example, you can apply the Pomodoro Technique or study for 1 hour with a break of approximately 15 minutes.

5. Study Groups with Friends

Group study with discussion and interaction is one of the effective study tips that is suitable for those of you who don’t like to study alone. This will be a lot of fun and will keep you from feeling isolated while studying. However, focus on group study with friends to learn, not chatting or even gossiping.

effective study tips

6. Study 1 Topic for 1 Day

Studying several topics in a day can tire you out and your subject matter can’t fully enter your brain. This can be avoided by studying 1 topic for 1 day. The human brain generally has difficulty receiving too much information. Therefore, use your study plan by writing down 1 topic for 1 day so that study time can be more effective.

7. Use Notes and Reviews To Recall

If you are the type of learner who likes to write, use notes and reviews of your lessons as memory aids. You can note down important things to remember and review course materials to make it easier for you to understand the material.

8. Keep Yourself Away From Distractions While Studying

One of the classic problems faced by someone who is studying in the presence of external distractions. One of the closest distractions is your smartphone. Get rid of objects that might become distractions while you study so you can stay focused on the lesson and ignore the distractions.

9. Take Notes With Handwriting

Writing by hand is rarely done by students or those of you who are used to working with laptops. However, writing by hand is one of the most effective ways you can remember the subject matter you are studying.

10. Periodic Practice When Facing Exams

If you want to study for an exam, prepare ahead of time so that your preparation can be thorough and not rushed. This can start with practice questions every week or a few days a week. This is one of the effective study tips that will help you to know your abilities. If you find it difficult, do not hesitate to ask others for help.

take notes for effective study tips

11. Build a Comfortable Atmosphere for Studying

Building a comfortable atmosphere for learning is one of the effective study tips. You can start by preparing all the materials you need to study. In addition, if your study or room is not clean and tidy, try cleaning it first so that later you can focus on the lesson you want to learn.

12. Focus First on the Process, Not the Result

Starting to learn effectively takes time and cannot be done instantly. This of course you have to remember so that you can enjoy the learning process and get benefits from it. In addition, you can put aside your desire to become a champion or graduate with the best grades when you are just starting a new way of learning. Here you need to focus on being able to understand the lesson, train the brain to think critically and apply the knowledge you get in everyday life.

13. Make a Relevant Lesson Summary

Once you get into the habit of taking notes about what you’re learning, summarizing can be an effective way to learn as well. You can summarize some related material so that it is easier for you to learn. In addition, the summary also serves as a reminder so you don’t have to repeat reading the entire material.

14. Prepare Water on Your Study Desk

Studying is a tiring activity and your focus on the lesson can be lost at any time. When you feel a lack of body fluids and your focus feels lost, don’t forget to prepare water on your study table. Prepare a glass or a bottle of water to keep your focus on the lesson.

15. Turn On Music To Improve Concentration

Turning on music that can improve concentration is one thing that is suitable for those of you who cannot study in situations that are too quiet without sound. This background music can provide a comfortable and calming atmosphere. Look for instrumental music references that are suitable for you.

focus for effective study tips

16. Relaxing Before Studying

Relaxing before you start studying is important so you’re ready to start your lesson. You can do light movements to relax your muscles so you don’t get too tense while studying.

17. Reward Yourself When You Achieve Your Goals

Giving yourself a gift is one way you can appreciate your efforts in the process over a while. You can reward yourself by taking a day off, eating good food, or watching your favorite Korean drama.

18. Practice Critical Thinking

Practicing critical thinking is one of the effective study tips that you can apply to study. Everyone’s learning method can be different, this won’t bother you if you can apply a learning method that suits your interests and talents. Critical thinking needs to be trained so that you can enjoy your learning process before jumping to conclusions.

19. Don’t Worry Too Much

It is normal to have anxiety, especially when it comes to exams or tests, but don’t overdo it. Remember that your goal of studying is not only to have good grades but also to have various skills and abilities that can help you to face life in the future.

20. Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining health is one of the effective study tips so that the learning process can run effectively. A healthy body greatly affects how you can absorb the lessons you are learning. You can maintain health by choosing healthy foods and exercising regularly.

make lesson summary

21. Set Realistic and Achievable Targets

Having realistic and easily achievable study targets is very important to maintain your motivation to learn something. You can make small targets that can be enlarged at certain times so you can see your learning progress.

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Those are 21 effective study tips that can be applied to those of you who have difficulty studying. The learning process takes time and the results may not be instantaneous. Therefore it is very important to be patient and keep trying. Good luck!

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